Tuesday 6 March 2018

Ride Along with Helbiz

Owning cars these days are not as attractive and financially appealing as they used to be a decade or two ago even though they still remain the commonest form of transportation, especially in developed countries. In spite of its popularity and its appeal to the public over the years, there seems to be, like with any other previously preferred mode of transportation, having a diminishing value.
These days most cars are parked almost all the time as many have resorted to using trains, public transport to be specific.
A new economic model is on the rise to enable car owners to efficiently use their cars. Not only that, data collected through this model could be used to further inform and speed up innovation in the transportation industry.
The model would go on to provide incentives to car owners not to only rent out their cars but to also create and share data. The benefits for participating in this enterprise could be leveraged back into the market and services discounts.
This ride sharing enterprise is a peer to peer online marketplace that will make the renting of cars, bicycle or motorcycle simple, affordable and worthwhile.

HELBIZ is a core proponent of this economic model for transportation. It is an upcoming enterprise that believes this new model can be attained through a combination of car sharing and blockchain technology.
The company plans to construct this platform by setting up a mobility system that will provide access to vehicles , fleets and other forms of transportation services  through the use of modern technology that is readily available.
Taking into consideration and after careful assessment of the already expanding rideshare business, Helbiz and its associating fleet of applications will be primarily targeted towards millennials and business professionals. But the target market is even broader than that, extending from 18-year-olds to the elderly.


Through the utilization of blockchain technology, the company wants to play a very crucial role in the future of mobility and data sharing in transportation. Through the Helbz’s platform the blockchain will act as the channel through which transactions between owners, renters, operators and external service providers are automatically processed under a sole payment system. The idea is for Helbiz to stage a fully integrated mobility market and ecosystem that places the consumer as the figurehead.
The application would be built coming with features such as instant confirmation, complete insurance package, the ability to unlock the cars and start them. The platform seeks to remove the need for needless communication and coordinate the key exchange and deliveries are not needed to ensure accurate transactions.
 For easy identification, Helbiz will ensure that both owners and drivers have their faces and fingerprints scanned so every time a vehicle is rented, there will be easy verification of the one renting. The app’s security software will screen all users and there will be continuous reviewing to keep the network safe and the Helbiz experience impeccable.

In many ways, Helbiz draw a lot of comparisons with Uber and AirBnB .However, one could argue that they are not exactly centralized platforms. A precise definition of a collaborative economy ecosystem would be one in which technology allows people and companies to share their resources and data and, if they wish, receive the corresponding payment. The Helbiz platform will allow all the involved parties to be fairly rewarded for their contributions into the mobility ecosystem, as the Blockchain technology will permit to verify each single input, whether coming from a corporate authority or an individual.
Helbiz’s ambitious project comes at a time when the ride sharing business is rising exponentially. According to the report released by the research  firm Global Markets Insights Inc. ,by 2024, the global car sharing market is projected to grow 34.8 percent with projected  revenues of more than 16.5 billion USD . In China alone, the car sharing market is slated to grow at an unprecedented annual rate  of over 40 percent between 2016-2024.

The Helbiz Utility Token (HBZ)

The HelbizCoin is an ERC20, that means it will work through the Ethereum network. The token aims to become the preferred method of payment for transportation services. Its presale will begin January 26, 2018. The full scale token campaign is scheduled to begin February 15, 2018.  "Our aim is to revolutionize the transportation industry by decentralizing the sharing economy, giving personal control to the user," said Salvatore Palella, co-founder & CEO of Helbiz.  Palella is a serial entrepreneur. In 2015, he founded Palella Investment LTD , a financial services consultancy based in London, England.  "We are doing this by introducing decentralized tools into the sharing economy, allowing users to seamlessly engage in a peer-to-peer manner through the platform."

Q3 2017
Development begins

Q1 2018
ICO and listing on top exchanges

Q2 2018

MVP of Helbiz marketplace and launch of Operations in LA. Integrating Blockchain systems for payment.

Q3 2018
Private Alpha allowing owners to sell and share data. Helbiz app expansion to a second city in US.

Q1 2019
Beta version of wallet, Exchange and Reward System. Helbiz app expansion in 4 additional cities in US.

Q2 2019
Version 1.0 of Helbiz platform online.

For more informations on Helbiz, visit us on;

Website: http://Helbiz.com

Telegram: https://t.me/helbiz

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2851691.0

Wednesday 21 February 2018


It is always fun driving your own car, motorbike, boat or bicycle or anything on wheels. The pure comfort of sitting behind the steering wheel and cruising through the busy streets with your windows rolled, blocking all the noise the  world always seem to be drumming into your eyes . It is also fun to be able to finally land your exotic dream car – on a temporary basis, to impress that girl you have promised to take out on a dinner date this coming weekend. Another fun thing is making some money on your car by renting it out during your office hours when your head is buried in serious piles of paperwork.
Picture being able not only to benefit from sharing car but also your driving data. Imagine being rewarded not only because you rented out your vehicle but also because of all the data you create and share. Imagine being able to use those rewards for travel and services. Imagine this data being used to further improve mobility services. Just think about it.
What about having a platform that offers the opportunity to find any bike, bicycle, boat or car available right from your fingertips. Just any vehicle you want, from affordable daily rides to one of a kind head turning exotics and drive off at a fraction of the cost in a totally paperless transactions and instant in-app solutions. This private network of vehicles will be dotted on every corner, street, neighborhood, parking lot and airport; giving you the user the ultimate form of convenience and accessibility anytime anywhere.
I present to you the peer-to-peer vehicle sharing, Helbiz.

What is Helbiz?

 Helbiz is a peer to peer market that makes renting a car, motorcycle or bicycle possible, affordable and financially rewarding. It is a fully integrated mobility ecosystem with a customer centered approach, consisting of Helbiz, a peer-to-peer vehicle sharing application, and the Helbiz Mobility System, a platform on the Ethereum blockchain open for other companies with interest in mobility related services utilizing block- chain technology (e.g. insurance companies) powered by the native HelbizCoin (HBZ).
Helbiz  will allow you to rent vehicles directly from your peers and also unlock and start any privately owned vehicle directly from the app.All vehicles registered on the app would be fully covered.Helbiz has partnered with one of the largest insurance in the United States to ensure complete protection at all times.
Helbiz will be the first company to adopt HelbizCoin, which is an ERC20 , meaning it will work through the Ethereum network and leveraging the Helbiz Mobility Sys tem, wishing to combine the familiar approach of car sharing in the transportation sector with Blockchain technology. The mobility ecosystem will soon grant access to individual vehicles, fleets and other transportation services as well as control over data sharing.

Blockchain technology permits the registration of all services, of all services provided through the platform and transactions between owners, operators and external service providers are automatically processed through a single payment system of origin based on the use.

For easy identification, Helbiz will ensure that both owners and drivers have their faces and fingerprints scanned so every time a vehicle is rented, there will be easy verification of the one renting. The app’s security software will screen all users and there will be continuous reviewing to keep the network safe and the Helbiz experience impeccable.

In many ways, Helbiz draw a lot of comparisons with Uber and AirBnB .However, one could argue that they are not exactly centralized platforms. A precise definition of a collaborative economy ecosystem would be one in which technology allows people and companies to share their resources and data and, if they wish, receive the corresponding payment. The Helbiz platform will allow all the involved parties to be fairly rewarded for their contributions into the mobility ecosystem, as the Blockchain technology will permit to verify each single input, whether coming from a corporate authority or an individual.
According to Slavatore Palella, co-founder and CEO of Helbiz, the aim is to revolutionize the transportation industry by decentralizing the sharing economy, giving personal control to the user.

What are the main elements driving Helbiz functionality?    Helbiz App: Our modern iOS and Android solution on the blockchain allows you to rent any car on the platform and instantly unlock and turn it on with your phone without human interaction with the owner (if the owner has enabled this). Each owner can set their own specific terms and conditions, and they own all of their own data — data that Helbiz seamlessly can facilitate sales of to insurance companies or third parties, who then, through smart contracts, pay them directly in Helbiz coin.   Helbiz Coin: A cryptocurrency and utility token for our transportation services. It’s poised to play a leading role in this new era as a consumptive currency, applicable with all transportation services on land, water and air.  Helbiz Mobility System: An open platform on the Ethereum blockchain, aimed at mobility-related services and companies wanting to build on the Helbiz platform (including insurance companies, for example).  Why is block chain technology such a central part of this project?  Blockchain technology will serve as a key element for facilitating the registration of all services through the platform, including transactions between owners, operators and external services. We will employ a single payment system utilizing a blockchain to eliminate transaction fees, thereby saving our customers money on both sides of the transaction due to lack of centralization. 
What is our target audience and/or market?   The Helbiz app brands itself toward millennials and young business professionals that are early new-technology adopters. But the target market is even broader than that, extending from 18-year-olds to the elderly.

Access to mobile application to search for available vehicles nearby
The system will guide you through the verification of your digital identity. At the same time, the vehi- cle owner will need to verify their identity as well;  3. TERMS
You will then have to accept the terms and conditions, such as the fare and duration of the rental, and purchase an insurance policy covering the trip, through an immutable intelligent contract;
Once the terms and conditions have been agreed and the smart contract has been verified, your smartphone will have remote key access;
 5. PAYMENT: The payment for the service will be deducted directly from your digital wallet and will be transferred to the owner of the vehicle at the end of the trip.

For more informations on Helbiz, contact us on the following platforms;
Website: https://helbiz.com

Telegram: https://t.me/helbiz

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2851691.0

Ride Along with Helbiz

Owning cars these days are not as attractive and financially appealing as they used to be a decade or two ago even though they still rema...